So this morning I woke up when I woke up which was about 7:30 and got up and did my weigh in and I was surprised to see that from just not drinking fizzy drinks I had dropped 0.5 kgs in one day! This was done with no exercise at all! I did also only eat carnivore apart from a couple of kinder Buenos and a few packets of crisps but other then that it was basically carnivore today!
This goes to show just how many empty calories I was consuming when drinking fizzy drinks! It also explains my steady weight gain over the years!
A can of coke has about 139 calories and I was drinking at least 4 a day on average until the last couple of weeks so I was basically adding 556 calories a day or 3892 calories a week or 15568 calories a month or an amazing 186816 calories a year just in coca cola! That really shows howy weight has been steadily creeping up over the years! My basal metabolic rebate is about 2500 calories a day so over 1/5 daily calorie intake has been from fizzy drinks! Added to that my diet has been really bad for ever you can see why my weight has ballooned out of control!
Yesterday I got really fuzzy headed and lethargic about 4pm and had a bit of a headache but nothing I couldn’t cope with so I am hoping that it stays that way and I don’t get the flu like symptoms I usually get!
I am going to the track at lunch time today to ride for a bit and then setup the gate ant get all the bikes out ready for the fun day that the sports center by the track is having today the I will head home and chill.