Another road ride done before work

This morning I felt much better when my alarm went off at 4:50 so I got up got showered and dressed and went out for a road ride! I had planned to go to the skatepark but when I woke up I was feeling really stiff and a bit ill still so I decided that a road ride was a better option than the skatepark!


From start to finish the ride felt easier than Monday’s ride and the only differences were that I pumped the tyres up on the bike when I got back from the ride on Monday, I had no headphones on today or my body is adapting to the riding! I would go with pumping the tyres up being the difference as the bike rolled so much better this morning and I noticed that I was in top gear most of the way to Bitten and Half of the way back! I thought that I was

As you can see from the ride data the same route took only 58m 10s compared to 1h 1m on Monday and this morning on the way back I had to wait twice in narrow parts of the cycle path for people to come through and I had to wait for a car before I could cross the main road by Lidl and to get under the bridge near my house as well which I didn’t have to do on Monday! I would estimate that that all cost me another 1m off of my time!

This morning I also did 11.56 miles compared to 11.40 miles on Monday  even though I thought that I had done the same route! My averaged speed also jumped from 11.2 mph to 11.9 mph this morning which is a pretty big jump!

I am feeling pretty pleased with myself that 1. I talked myself out of staying in bed and not riding and 2. I went way faster today!

I think that if I had been in top gear all the way home which I thought that I was until near the end of the cycle path when I realised I was in one from top gear! I could of averaged over 12 mph for the ride and gone a bit faster too! I know that I am capable of doing at least 1 minute faster as I wasted that time being polite and waiting for people!

I am going to chill at lunch time again as I have some deliveries arriving today but tonight I need to go across town for a meeting so I am not sure if I will walk to get my steps in or take the park bike to have a play along the way! I will see how I feel later on I guess! I need to start walking more as well as I only managed 957 steps yesterday which is useless but in my defence I felt like crap and had red eyes and a sore throat!

From now on this week I ride first thing and make sure that I get my 10000 steps a day in too and starting next week I will get 3 days in the gym minimum!

This weekend I plan to get up and go tot he skatepark both days first thing then when I finish at the skatepark I will wake up my Son and drag him out for a bike ride so he gets some cardio too! Then later on I will drag him out for a walk to make sure that I get my 10000 steps in!

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