Feeling less bad today :-)

I woke up at 6 this morning and I was feeling better than yesterday so I got up showered and went into the office and did some bits then walked home! I then worked until 12:00 and then went to the track to play on the new Berms that were reshaped and tarmacked this week 🙂

The changes are amazing and the 2 weeks off the Race bike have been enough to let my body heal a bit too 🙂 I was feeling fast and manualing really well today and the new berms meant that it is way easier to do full laps now 🙂

Its going to take a while to figure out what to do with the table top out of the first berm as you are now hitting it way faster as the berm actually works and also it is a bit lippier than before so at the moment I am doing a jamal (jump to manual) on it but I think I will try jumping it over the weekend as I think that it is going to be the fastest way to get over the jump!

I am going up again after work to meet some friends so I will work on it more! The first jump on the 3rd straight is now way easier to manual as you are hitting it way faster as the berm again works and also the takeoff is now tarmac not dirt and has been built up a bit and now is much easier to manual than before 🙂 Before it was really flat and had no lip so was a really hard manual and I could never do it consistently before so I’m happy about the changes 🙂

I don’t think that my 44t chain ring will arrive today so I will either have to build up the Cult with the 46×17 gearing for now or wait until the 44T chainring arrives which could be tomorrow or if not it will be Tuesday! I will wait and see if it arrives tomorrow then if it doesn’t I’ll probably built the Cult up with the 46 x 17 for now. I will be able to use the chain for the 44 x 16 anyway as the 46 x 17 uses more chain anyway so I will have to cut it to setup the 44 x 16 anyway!

So just after typing this the postman came and delivered the 44t Chain Ring (Thank you Crucial 🙂 ) so after work I will get the Cult setup so I can ride it tomorrow early!


At 5pm I went to the track again and met up with some friends and and rode again until about 8pm which was cool. I’m really loving the berms but struggling with the table a bit to get fast but it is fun 🙂

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