Busy day planned


This morning I got up at 5 am got showered then did some work until 6 am when I went out for my morning walk around the usual loop. I got to 4914 steps by the time I got home so almost 1/2 way to 10000 steps or 1/3 of the way to 15000 🙂

I have decided that today I will have a can of coke and a last fry up sandwich from my favourite cafe then I will quit both tomorrow so that it makes it easy to track when I stopped drinking coke as it will be pay day as well so I can remember better 🙂  Also after tomorrow I will not be able to afford Fizzy drinks or takeout as I will be paying for the gym for myself and my son with the money I used to use for that so that should give me a bigger incentive to not drink it any more! I am going to set a goal to not drink fizzy drinks until May 15th 2025 and see if I can reach that goal! I have a couple of friends who did this and they lost so much weight its incredible so fingers crossed I can do the same 🙂  As well as the weight loss I know that stopping fizzy drinks really helps with my acid re-flux too as after 3 days of not drinking fizzy again its almost gone and it was really bad and used to wake me up at least a couple times a night before I stopped! I have also decided to go all in and cut out sweets, chocolate and crisps as well to try and detox my body from all the crap that I have been ingesting for decades!  I may also get some chocolate and crisps to also stop tomorrow to make it easier too track too 🙂

I have been looking at 170 mm cranks for the Black Market and the Sunday cranks that I have are £30 more almost in 170mm than the 175mm ones that I have so I am going to pay a bit more and get some Profile Race Cranks as I have always wanted some and they have a lifetime warrenty and I have a spider for them for when I get my Curtis 24″ Jump bike frame for xmas too 🙂 I have just found the Sunday cranks for £60 for the black 170mm ones on Alans BMX so I will buy them tomorrow so they will be here for the weekend or early next week then once I get some new stem bolts next week the Black Market will be good enough for now. Later this month I will buy the Identity 1420 forks and then the bike will be 100% done for now and I can get on with riding it 🙂 I am still toying with the stem bolts! Do I go Ti for £30 or steel for £3 at the moment steel makes more sense and I can always get some ti bolts later on if needed 🙂 I will wait until my Paypal payment has gone through on around the 18-20th and then get the forks using the PayPal balance!

I am on a half day today so I was planning on taking the Black Market to Longwell Green pump track as soon as I finish to get a ride in and work on my manuals 🙂 BUT it has just started raining and looks like its in for the afternoon so I will get the big bike out and ride to the pump track instead to see how do-able the ride is and get some exercise in then I can see if its do-able on the Jump bike later in the week. I may also get up early in the morning and go ride first thing as the weather looks dry in the morning so better riding weather 🙂

I have put my go pro on charge so that I can start to record my sessions and try out my mouth mount for the go pro to see if that works as well as it should do 🙂 I also want to take more wide shots to see how I am progressing as well. Going first thing should mean way less traffic so I can get to the track in 15-20 minutes then ride and hour and then get home in time to start work at 6:30 if I get up at 4:30 instead of 5:00 like I do now! If it goes well tomorrow morning I may wait a couple months to join the gym or go to the gym at lunch times instead of first thing! I will make my mind up after I go tomorrow morning.

I have just remembered that I have the Shimano Saints cranks to go on the Curtis so I’ll do that now then its done and I don’t waste my afternoon off cleaning 🙂

I have just got the Saints cranks fitted to the Curtis, I had to steal the rubber o ring from my DXR’s as it was missing from theSaints that I had! I also had to fit a bb spacer on the non drive side as there was about 1 mm too much axle to get the cranks to tighten up full! Now that thats all done the cranks are fitted and running really well:


I have been thinking about what is best to do with my training and I think that gym first thing is the most sustainable for me to be honest! I have been thinking that I can do Wednesday early when I am not at the gym and Saturday and Sunday early at the pump track as well this means that I can get doing sprint sessions Wednesday, Thursday and Friday Lunch times followed by track sessions of there is time as well to put the improved skills from the pump track to the track!

I am just about to update my revised May training now even though May is half over already 🙂

Tomorrow I plan to go to the office before lunch time then I can pop to the gym and member up so I can start working out Thursday early as planned!

today I have had my fill of Coca Cola, Crisps and Chocolate so I can stop eating and drinking them all tomorrow 🙂

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