Duvet day!

So today I took another Duvet Day as I was really tired and my wrist was hurting so I didn’t want to hurt my wrist any more!

I basically watched the second day of the Nationals at Manchester Indoor all day! At about 5pm the paint stripper and clear coat arrived for the Black Market frame but when I sprayed the frame and checked the progress I realised that I had bought solvent and glue remover not the Peel Tec Paint stripper that I thought that it was! So I coated the frame in Nitromors and I am leaving it until tomorrow to see if it removes any of the paint! I also bought some Peel Tec that will be here hopefully by the bank holiday so that I can get the frame stripped, sanded and clear coated over the bank holiday weekend. Then if I can’t get it fully stripped I will take it to the Powder coaters to get media blasted and clear coated or sprayed by them! Apparently the Peel Tec is pretty good at bubbling off the paint so hopefully I will not have to go to the expense of powder coating at the moment!

I have just checked the frame and its pretty much the same as it was before I started so I am deffo going to have to wait for the Peel tec to see if that works better! There is a bit more orange paint showing through but that is about it! Nothing much at all has happened! I may wash the frame off tomorrow and see if any more of the paint cones off but it hasn’t really sone much at all! The paint definitely hasn’t bubbled off like it used to when you used paint stripper back in the day!

The headset for the Black Market also arrived yesterday so once the frame is stripped down and clear coated or powder coated I can start to build it up ready for when the wheels are built so once they are I can get the bike fully built and start riding it! I am pretty excited about being able to ride the 24″ jump bike as it will hurt less than the Race bike and ride better than the 26″ Jump bike which just feels too big to me and is not so fun to ride.


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