Rucking Challenge Day 3.1

This morning I woke up at 4:30 without an alarm and woke up and did my weigh-in and I am the same weight as yesterday so 107.4kgs sonata least I’m not any heavier today!

My hand and wrist are super sore this morning even after using loads of voltarol and taking paracetamol last night so I’m thinking that I wasn’t ready for gates yet! I will try and figure out how to make an appointment with the doctor on their new online system today and get it looked at!

Other than the hand and feeling really sore from the gates and the buildup of Rucking I’m feeling pretty good but a bit lazy!

I am going to get up in a bit and have a shower and then do a short ruck along the 2 tunnels and back before starting work.

I am going to the track at lunch time to show my friend how to setup the gate so I will get more steps in then too 😁 then after work I am going over to my parents to do the mopping and hoovering that I missed on Tuesday waiting on UPS!

I did some work before going for my ruck as it was still really dark at 5:30 but was light at 6am. By the time I got home from the ruck I was on 5199 steps so a good start to the day and I had calmed down from all the stress that I got when I opened slack this morning so it was worth doing! My hand/wrist is getting worse working so I have swapped my mouse back to my right hand to reduce the amount that I am doing with my left hand but I am going to have to take some pain killers as the Voltorol is doing nothing 🙁

At lunch I chilled and watched the new Roadhouse film on Amazon Prime Video and then after lunch I walked on the treadmill and worked until just after 16:30. I stopped walking at 10000 steps as I will be walking about a fair bit later on.

Also at lunch time I tried to tighten up my real wheel cones but found that the gritty bearing is actually seized so I left the wheel off then when I finished work I got my slide hammer out of the garage and swapped the bearing out and put the wheel back on again. The wheel feels crazy fast now as there is no drag and it feels like you have a motor pushing your forwards when you press on the pedal 🙂 I can’t wait to try it tomorrow 🙂



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