Rest Day

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So this morning even though I set my alarm for 6:30 I woke up at 4:45 wide awake so I chilled in bed until 6:30 then got up and got showered and dressed and headed into the office to work for the morning! When I got to the office I broke down a bunch of boxes and then a bit later myself and my college took the boxes to the recycling bins downstairs! By the time we were done I was on over 6000 steps so well on the way to get to 10000 for the day already and it was only 9:30!

At about 10:30 I got a message to say that my new rear hub had been delivered so that was quick to say the least 🙂

At 11:30 I headed home via the chemists to pick up my new inhalers and I then made some food and went to bed to chill for a bit as I was super tired! By the time I went to bed I was on 10808 steps for the day 🙂 I grabbed the hub from my neighbours bin and opened it and checked it out and it really is basically brand new:

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The rims and front hub are supposed to be arriving tomorrow so I can get them all over to my friend Wednesday to get built up as soon as he can 🙂

I also got the Shimano SPD pedals back on the Curtis ready to ride it tomorrow and I also fitted the new cleats on my Adidas clip shoes too so I’m good to go tomorrow lunchtime 🙂

The start hill had the tarmac poured today too and apparently we can use it tomorrow so that will be nice 🙂

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The lights also turned up so I am going to try and go to the skatepark in the morning for a play:

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I have just checked the weather and its going to be really wet tomorrow morning so I may go for a ruck instead and get some work done in the office instead of going to the skatepark. I will decide in the morning!

I have just checked the progress of my Standard OS20 delivery and it arrives tomorrow so I will have to play tomorrow by ear as I have a lot of deliveries coming tomorrow! Speaking of deliveries I bought an Avid BB5 from ebay for £10.95 to try on the OS20 when I get to build it as I will not be able to afford to build it for a while or at least until I get some of my surplus bikes sold! I am thinking that I will have to buy some Renthal Bars so that my wrists don’t hurt when riding the OS20 and I still need to buy hubs and get the wheels built up too. I have decided to go with Halo hubs for now as they are way less maintenance than Onyx are and I’m not racing this year anyway so there is no need for Onyx Hubs this year!

I have decided that on the Curtis I will leave the Onyx hubs that I have as they are with the Crusty bearings for now and then save up money to buy some new Onyx Ultra SS hubs and carbon rims to use exclusively for racing on next year! That will basically be a £1200+ wheelset but I think that it will be worth the money to lose rational weight!

I will decide during the year if I will race the OS20 as well but there really isn’t much point as there is no way that I will ever qualify for the worlds on the 20″ as the age group on the 20″ is 35+ so I have no chance!

I will most likely just ride the OS20 to train on and maybe to race regionals as well to double bike and get fitter for Nationals next year so I am still unsure if I will need Onyx on it anyway!

I have just been checking out the Halo DJD Supadrive SS Hub that arrived today and I pulled the driver off and noticed that there was a pawl missing so I have ordered a new set of Pawls and a new spring so that the hub will basically be brand new when these are fitted 🙂 Even with the pawl kit the hub was still less than half price so I’m not bothered too much about having to buy the new pawls and spring kit and it was only £20 so its still a bargain hub 🙂

By the end of the day I was on 12150 steps so starting to make back the missed steps from over the past week!






















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