Back to walking

So I was feeling better last night so I decided that I was going to start walking again this morning so I set my alarm for 5:00 and woke up with the alarm and got out of bed and did my weigh-in which was bad! I am back up to 107.2kgs so 1.2kgs heavier than Tuesday morning 🙁 I then got showered and dressed and walked into the office did an hours work and then walked home along the river!
I was on 7930 steps when I got home and I am feeling so much more awake and much better and happier too 🙂 So glad I walked this morning!

I am going to just walk for the rest of the week then start rucking again on Tuesday morning and for the rest of the week once I am fully over whatever I have had!

bars 1


I went to the track at lunch time and picked up the Renthal bars from my friend and then we had a ride for for an hour or so! I was on the jump bike but I am really not enjoying riding it as I really prefer the Cruiser or OS20! Hopefully swapping the Staystrong Flat bars for the Renthals will help my wrist a bit and allow me to ride the Cruiser again! I will find out tomorrow lunch time when I take the Curtis for a spin!

When I got home I worked until 4pm then I fitted the bars! I really like the Rental bars and they feel really nice as I have ridden them for years until a couple years ago! I don;t really think they go with the look of the Curtis but if they help me be able to ride I don’t care!

By the time I had finished setting up the Curtis and doing my cleaning 30 minutes it was about 8pm so I went to bed and chilled until 9pm and then went to sleep!

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