No Rucking again today

So I woke up with my alarm but felt really bad again so I went back to sleep until 7am and felt a bit better but not a lot! I got up made the bed and then did my weigh-in and I am down to 106.8kgs this morning so the weight is dropping slowly! I was also a lot more toned this morning so the rucking is really stripping the fat it seems 🙂

At 7:30 I started work and did nothing until lunch time! I was going to go to got to the track at lunch time but I am not feeling 100% so I will give it a miss today again and hit the track first thing in the morning!

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My new 28T Sprocket came today from Airdrop (amazing turn around as always from them!) and I found my driver with an 11t already on it from my old AirDrop fade that I sold recently so all I am waiting on now is the new KMC HL1 chain to arrive and I can crack on with the gearing change! I also have to find the Crane Creek locking ring for the cranks that I bought ages ago then put somewhere safe and can’t find again as the locking ring on the cranks is breaking so I need to change it!







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