I went So today I managed to force myself out of bed at 5:23 after falling asleep after turning my alarm off at 5am! I then got up and did my weigh in and I dropped 0.1kgs yesterday but I am still 106.9kgs so still over 1kg heavier than I was this time last week 🙁 I then got showered and dressed, got my weight vest on and walked to the office! I got there just before 6am and then got a bunch of stuff done and walked home again before cracking on with my scheduled work tasks at about 7:30.
I managed to walk about 8170 steps with the weight vest on so not a bad start to the morning! I am continually amazed at how much better I feel when I walk in a morning before work and even more so when I ruck so I really need to start to do this every morning again! I have been feeling really crappy for the past couple of weeks where I have been walking but not first thing so I am going to make a converted effort to walk with my weight vest on as soon as I wake up again every morning! Walking to the office and doing some small tasks seems to be more motivating for me than getting up and walking for the sake of walking so I will do this every morning from now on! At the weekend I will try and get up and just walk but I may just pop into the office and do something as well to get me motivated to get out of bed and get ready! Usually once I am showered and dressed I will get up and walk so I may not even go into the office when I’m walkig and just use it as an excuse to get moving in the morning!
I am just getting some tasks kicked off and then I will take a late lunch and spend a couple of hours at the track riding the Jump bike in the sun as we haven’t had any sun for ages so it will make a nice change 🙂
I have decided that I am going to do weights Monday, Wednesday and Friday afternoons after work and do a full body work out to make it more likely that I will do it! I really need to get back in the habit of working out again as I think that it will sort out most if not all of my remaining niggles and aches and pains that I have! It will definitely help sort out my ankle flexibility issues and will either cure or make my wrist worse so I will either not be bothered by it again or will have to stop weights and get it sorted out so its a win win I guess!
At 1pm I went to the track and did 3rd and 4th straights for just over an hour and then headed home and started work again. It was nice and sunny and the track has dried up a lot so it was a really fun ride and I am so happy to be back on the bike. I’m still not super comfortable on the Jump bike but I’m getting there and its much kinder on the wrist so I will stick with it and suck it up! If it means that I can continue to ride and progress without hurting the wrist then its a sacrifice that I am willing to make. I really do need to make the gearing harder as the current gearing feels really light at the moment. As I can’t find a 33t front sprocket anywhere I will have to go with a 34t but as I’m not going to race on it I can’t see that being a real issue! I will most likely still go gates on the Curtis anyway and use the Jump bike to ride the track the rest of the time. Again as I’m not racing this year I can literally do 1st straights only on the Curtis to limit the amount of knocks that my wrist takes and then pump the second straight and go off the track there. I am going to be riding the track enough the rest of the week to get full laps in anyway so gates sessions can be exactly that! Gate sessions 🙂
I was not expecting my legs to be as sore as they were from the ruck this morning but and how tired I am after the ride at lunch time so I will hold off on the weights sessions until next month I think to let my body get used to the increased training load! I am reworking my training again so that I work out 6 days a week and rest on Mondays when I am in the office anyway so I can’t train much anyway and I’m on call at night so I will not be able to do much anyway! My training will be as follows:
Rest Day – Walk 10000 steps only
Tuesday – Friday:
AM – Ruck with 10kgs
Lunch – Ride on the Track on Jump bike (just over 1 hour of bike time all together)
PM – Rest
Saturday and Sunday
AM – Ruck with 10kgs
AM/PM – go to track or pump track and ride for 1-2 hours.
As I said before I want to start walking every day first thing and ruck with the 10kg weight vest Tue-Sun as I feel so much better after doing it and it has the added benefit of seeing the sun rise when I go to the office and do some work then walk home so I feel even better again!
For the rest of this month I will rest in the evenings but once the clocks go forwards and the start hill is finished I will go to the track and ride for an hour before training starts too Tues-Fri and I think that Thursday and Friday we will have gates so I will deffo start doing that 🙂 Weekends I want to continue rucking first thing and then get home and go to a track or pump track while its still early and get some more riding in while my Son is asleep then when he wakes up I can spend the rest of the time with him.
I am planning total rest on Mondays to recover from the rest of the week! If it is too much then I will think about resting on Sunday or Tuesdays as well but I think one day a week should be enough as I am not doing anything really strenuous so it should be fine once my body gets used to it 🙂
As I wasn’t feeling the the 32×16 gearing I am going back to the 28×11 that came as standard on my Airdrop fade when I first bought that so I have a 11t driver already and I just bought a 34t RaceFace sprocket for £6 on wiggle and a new pair of gloves to make the value over £20 to make the most of my wiggle plus before they go bust!
I went for a black chain ring and some more colourful gloves as I always buy back and grey or camo gloves and its always really hard to find them so I decided to get some gloves that stand out so they are easy to find in the kit bag or boot of the car! I’m just about to get a new chain as well from Amazon then the bike can get a gearing change at the weekend and I can start to do weight training while riding too 🙂 I figure for now a heavier gearing is better as I can build leg strength over my gap year and then next year I can start getting spinier again once I get nearer to racing again! I’ll be honest the ideal solution for me is to get my legs all healed up and strong again then I can work at spinning a heavier gearing for next season and make the most of the year of pushing a heavier gearing! I think that a 37×16 is just about the perfect gearing for me and when I was injury free I could get out of the gate as fast as most people and I had more down the first straight and out of berms as I could push a higher gearing at the same speed or faster than they could so I had more roll out! Over the past few years I have had to drop a tooth as the heavier gearing messed with my knees and ankles too much so have been slower for sure!