Rucking Challenge Day 4


I woke up at 5am but felt really bad so I went back to bed until about 7:15 when I got up and did my weigh-in and I am down to 106.5kgs today so another 0.1kgs lost 🙂 I’m still heavier than I was at the start of the month but still my weight is dropping Steadily so the Rucking is working! I have also noticed that since I have been rucking I have been engaging my core more when I walk without the vest too so that an unexpected benefit of Rucking 🙂 My legs and core are also feeling much stronger and I have way less ache’s and pains than I did before I started!

I will try and ruck at lunch time today to get some more steps in then ruck again after work to make sure that I am consistently doing at leat 8000 steps with the weight on!

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