Back to BMX Training day 45 – 14/02/2024

Woke up just before my 5am alarm this morning so I got up and did my weigh in 106.9kgs 🙁 then showered and started work. I then walked to the office at 6am and worked in the office until 12:00ish then walked home. By the time I got home i was on 9609 steps already as I walked about a lot in the office this morning. I got a lot done though so it was worth it.

I am not going to ride today as I’m knackered and have a bunch of stuff to finish before the end of the day. As I am off tomorrow I will get up early walk then go for a ride to Bristol and back on the mtb then I can chill for the day.

I am going to walk on the treadmill this afternoon as well to get more steps in and not sit as much as my back is really playing up since I started riding the mtb a lot 🙁

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