Back to BMX Training day 30 – 30/01/2024

So this morning I felt like crap when my alarm went off so I went back to sleep until 7am then got up, did my weigh in and then started work!

My weigh-in was pretty good today again as I am down to 106.2kgs today so I dropped another 0.1kgs from yesterday.

I continued feeling bad all morning but I am going to do my sprints session and also try and get to at least 10000 steps again today but I will see how I feel after sprints!

I did force myself to go to the track at lunch time and I got my 12 x 15m sprints in and also did some 3rd straights but I hurt my wrist bonking a manual so had to stop 🙁

I am currently on 1987 steps so I will have to walk on the treadmill later on!

While I was waiting for my food to go down before starting walking at 7pm I made a few jars of overnight oats as I have 3 or 4 boxes of oats to use so I may as well use them now as I have no money until the 15th Feb so I will live off overnight oats, pasta and Heinz chicken soup, potatoes, eggs and the £1 cooking bacon! As well as beans on toast 🙂 I need to buy more milk for the overnight oats tomorrow and bread as well for the beans on toast and then I am set to clear out the cupboards ready for pay day!

I have loads of cravings for takeout and coca cola by I talked myself out of getting them and also deleted Deliveroo and Uber Eats from my phone again to make it harder to get takeout later.

I am still feeling pretty bad from the comedown from drinking all the fizzy drinks recently but I am feeling better for riding today other than my wrist and thumb which are both sore! I am going to get up and walk into the office in the morning to do some work in the server room but I will mark out my sprint distances ready to start early morning sprints on Thursday Morning early. I really want to get some longer sprints in as for the past couple weeks I have only done 15m sprints and I think doing 15m, 30m and 60m during the week will be more beneficial in the long run so I need to start sprinting in the mornings to do this at the moment as there is not enough space at the track with the start hill work going on for the next few weeks!

I am also not taxing or insuring my car until March if I can so that I can get the payments away from January and February as I never have cash then! This means that for the next month or so I will have to put a bike in the container again and walk or ride the mtb up to the track to train which will be good for my fitness but mean that I lose about 30 minutes of track time so I will not have time to sprint and ride the track in my 2 hour lunch time with travel time to the track.

Tomorrow I am also going to go for a ride on the MTB at lunch time as I had planned to ride the MTB Wed, Friday and one day at the weekend to start getting fit and lose more weight although stopping drinking Fizzy drinks again seems to be helping with that already judging by my 1.4kgs weigh loss from Friday which was the last day that I drank Fizzy drinks 🙂 I have also been walking and riding less due to feeling so ill which shows how many empty calories I was taking in from fizzy drinks a day!


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