So I was on call last night and had to wait up for my Son to come home from a party so I got home well after midnight so a long day seeing as I was up at 3:30 am yesterday! Because of this I woke up when I woke up which was 7:53 when I looked at my phone!
I got up and did my weigh-in and I am back down from 108kgs yesterday to 107.6kgs today so still 0.6kgs heavier than I was on Monday but getting lighter again! I am planning to go gold turkey on the fizzy drinks so hopefully by next week my weight will start to significantly drop again!
My legs are really sore again after sprints yesterday so I will move my last sprint session to tomorrow to let my legs recover!
I am also going to try and get as many steps in as possible in early today as I have a feeling that I am going to feel shitty later on 🙁 I already have a headache so that’s not great!
I am going to read in bed for an hour or so then start getting moving. I am going to use my cleaning 30 minutes today to clean and organise my desks as they are a real mess and its annoying me! I also have to find somewhere for my Raspberry pi and Proxmox server as they are both in the way at the moment!