So I was feeling really crappy again this morning so I stayed in bed until 7:25 and then got up did my weigh-in (back down to 107kgs this morning) and then started work. I’m on a half day today so I will go to the track this afternoon and get my sprints in on the new 37 x 16 gearing and see how it goes. I am hoping that I will be under 107kgs for the first time in a while (5th Jan) tomorrow but lets see!
So I finished work at just after 12:00 then I got dressed and went to the track. When I got to the track I got my measuring wheel and line paint out and renewed my sprint start line and then also re-measured and marked out a 15m line as it had been covered over with mud! I also made a 15m mark on the other side of the track as well to that it is clearer. I then went and got my sprint Stool and sprint stand and set them up. I then did 12 x 15m Sprints alternating the front foot each time and resting 2 minutes rest in between. I didn’t really notice the higher gearing too much during the sprints apart from I couldn’t get my legs spinning as fast as I could on the lower gearing.
After I finished the sprints I went and did 3rd straights for about an hour or so. It was on the track where I really noticed the difference of the higher gearing! Coming off the berm and pedalling to the first jump really felt much easier and I felt much faster than I did last week on the 36×16 gearing.
I really need to get my sprint timers back soon so that I can do some timed tests to see which is actually faster!
By the end of the day I and a lot of walking on the treadmill I managed to finish the day on 15301 steps.