I woke up with my alarm this morning and got up and did my weigh-in and I was back down to 107.7kgs so down 02. from Saturday morning. I then got dressed and went for my morning walk which was a bit cold but all good as it was dry!
By the time I was home I was on 7128 steps so roughly half way to my 15000 daily goal and its only 6:30. My legs are pretty sore still but I will crack on and try and do sprints at lunchtime then chill for the rest of the day.
I have just bought a second transponder to use at the weekend. Hopefully it will arrive before Wednesday then I can use it for gates on Wednesday night at Bristol 🙂 It should do as I have paid £8 postage!!!!
I have decided to take today as my rest day to give my legs time to rest as its 1pm and I still haven’t been able to take lunch yet today 🙁 I will rest today and do my 60m sprint session tomorrow lunch time instead as I am off tomorrow afternoon as I on call tonight so I get tomorrow afternoon off.
I have just bought another transponder and also signed up to race on Sunday so after my sprints tomorrow I will do some full laps to try and get to a point where I can actually ride at race pace past the end of the first straight by Sunday.
I am basically only using the race to get full laps in anyway! I’m not taking it seriously or expecting to do well but its an excellent way to have to get 4 full speed laps in 🙂 I will again take Monday off next week to recover from the racing so for the next 2 weeks my sprints will be:
Monday – Rest
Tuesday – 60m Sprints and full laps
Wednesday – Rest and Gates at Bristol (timed this week if my transponder arrives in time)
Thursday – 30m Sprints and Full laps
Friday – Rest
Saturday – 15m Sprints AM – Gates PM
Sunday – Race
The only thing that I’m not sure of is if my legs will be able to cope with sprints the day after doing gates on the Wednesday Night we will see 🙂
My new taller folding stool sprint stand arrives today too so I can test it out with 60m sprints tomorrow lunchtime 🙂 It is 2″ higher than my old one so it should mean that the front pedal will me more or less level now making it harder to start off than the old box where the front pedal was way above level so just putting weight on the front pedal got me going.
I have decided that as I’m racing in clips on Sunday I will ride in clips and do my sprints clipped in too 🙂
I also need to get into the garage and get my slide hammer to get the blown bearing out of my Onyx rear hub and put a new bearing in to replace it as the wheel feels really crunchy at the moment 🙁
I have really enjoyed riding the Curtis compared to my other bikes so I really think that I should sell my OS20 and buy a Profile Elite rear wheel to train on and then ride the Curtis as it is meant to be ridden! Its also way more enjoyable so it makes sense! I am just waiting to hear about when my Standard 125R OS20 frame will be ready then I will decide!
I am also thinking that its a waste of space having the GT Pro Series as well just to ride to work and do sprints on so I may stick that up for sale too.
I am thinking once my Standard 125R Cruiser is back I can sell my Jump Bike as well as I can use the 125R as my ride to work, pump track, Sprints bike then I have no need for the Jump bike or the GT so I can free up a bunch of space! I am also not 100% sure that I will build up the Standard 125R I may well sell it when it arrives and bank the money too. It would make it easier as I will then only have 2 decent 24″ bikes and then I can sell the rest of my bikes and then get a second identical Curtis Frame and use one for training and one for racing and thats it 🙂 I can then sell the Standard as well.
I got my steps done while I was on call tonight so the steps passed really quickly as I was concentrating on walking not walking which helps a lot 🙂
By the time I finished I was on just over 15000 steps and by the time I went to bed I was on 15370 🙂