Ankle injury taking longer than expected to heal

So the ankle has not healed as well as I thought that it would so I have decided that I need to stay off of the BMX for a while until it is healed. My work schedule has also changed a bit so I am now back on call on Friday nights now so I will start having Monday afternoons off again as well as Thursday afternoons as I am still on call on Wednesday nights too.

This means that I will have more time during daylight hours to be able to train so, I have decided to start going out in the MTB on my afternoons off to try and build some base fitness and lose some weight while I rehab the ankle so that when I can ride the BMX again I will at least be fit!

As I can’t ride the BMX at the moment I am going to start walking in my lunch break and the. do my calesthetics in my lunch hour so that they are done before I get too tired. This will also mean that I can walk when it’s light as walking in the dark sucks! With the ankle in the state that it’s in I will have to wait to start doing squats so I can get into the habit of doing the press ups then when my ankle is feeling better I can start doing squats.
I have also decided that over the winter I am going to train Monday to Friday then at the weekend if I ride it will be for fun and will be more skills focused. At the moment I will take weekends as my rest time as I can’t do a lot as the ankle is messed up so it works out well.

Yesterday I started getting the rest of the parts that I need to build the Standard up. I bought a set of 20mm forks so that I can use the front wheel off of my Curtis for now and I also bought a halo freewheel wheel from Alan’s BMX and I will buy a new 16t Halo Clickster freewheel to use with it. All the other parts have arrived so once these last parts arrive I will get it built up. The wheel was £110 and I think that it will make a good winter bike wheel as the bearings are sealed and Freewheels are pretty low maintenance too. It will also be cheaper to maintain than a more expensive hub/wheel.

Yesterday my Son helped me wash all of the bikes that I want to sell and I put them on FaceBook marketplace which may have been a mistake as I have been inundated with spammers offering me full price and wanting to arrange pickup as they are too busy to come and pick the bike up themselves 🤦‍♂️ I am going to get all the bikes on eBay as well as it is slightly less prone to spammers than Facebook so I may get the bikes sold 🤞

Once I get the bikes sold I will buy a StayStrong Disk wheelset so that I can use the front wheel on the Standard to get my Onyx wheel back on the Curtis and then use the rear wheel on the Curtis as my training/spare wheel for next season.


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