Weigh-in and parts arrived

IMG AE965C8FCB4A 1I woke up late this morning as I wasn’t feeling great so I decided to sleep in an extra hour instead of going for a walk this morning.

When I woke up I did my weigh-in and found that I was up to 107.2kgs from 106.6kgs yesterday although I was still down 1.1kgs from my weigh-in before my holiday when I was 108.3kgs.

I am expecting to be even lighter on my next weigh in as I have just been to the bathroom and done a really massive poo so I think a lot of the weight gain was probably that🤣



The postman has just arrived and delivered my V-Brake Post extenders and my OS20 Rim Tapes so this afternoon I will get them fitted so that I can ride the OS20 tomorrow lunch-time 🙂

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I am just getting ready to go for my lunchtime ride at the track then tonight after work I will get the OS20 built up and ready to ride. Once the new bits are fitted I still need to go around and torque all of the bolts before it can be ridden which is why I am not going to rush and get it ready to ride at lunch time today. Its much safer to get it sorted tonight and test it tomorrow lunch time.

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