Shoulder and hip hurting this morning – Weigh-in

I woke up this morning feeling really sore and my Shoulder had me up a few times in the night so I decided to walk this morning instead of walking. While I was walking my right hip was really hurting! It did get better as I walked and I noticed that I was less pidgin toed by the time I got home. A bit worrying after just 2 days of cycling 🙁

I have decided that from next week I will start to alternate Riding and walking to try and negate the stiffness that I am getting from riding the bike on consecutive days! I will also only do 3 x long rides now a week on Monday, Wednesday and Friday and I will walk on Tues, Thurs, Sat and Sunday to keep burning fat and get mobility back from the cycling.

Its a shame I can’t cycle more as I am seeing way more results from it than walking in terms of body composition but strangely not weight loss as I did my weigh-in this morning and I was up to 106.7kgs third morning so for the second weigh-in in a row I have put weight back on:

07/07/2023 105.7
12/07/2023 106.4
19/07/2023 106.7

I am hoping that now that I am starting to workout consistently work out in the mornings I can start dropping weight again soon but we will see!  I have also decided that on Mon, Wednesday and Friday I need to walk in the evenings too as the last couple of days apart from the cycling I have been pretty much sedentary! So much so that yesterday I only did 2102 steps ALL DAY! Which is terrible and will most certainly have not helped with the sore hip and stiffness!

I think I need to try and concentrate on getting close to 10000 steps a day again to try and get my daily activity up to an acceptable level to start my weight to start dropping again!

Yesterday I gave the SuperCross to my friend who bought it and picked up my A3 Scanner that I bought on Facebook Marketplace on Monday and also put the Dialled up for sale but other than that I was pretty much lunching out in bed!

This mornings walk was nice apart from the stiffness IMG 24CB3B120108 1 in the hip! I am feeling way better now so it was definitely worth it and I have more than doubled yesterdays step total with 4348 steps and its only 6:30 am 🙂

At lunch time I am going to the track for a ride and then I am working until about 11pm so I will be mostly sat down again 🙁

Because of this I will start the 10000 steps again from tomorrow! I am also going to walk again tomorrow morning to give my hip some time and then I will ride again on Friday morning and then I will be away at Tiverton racing for the weekend so I will try and walk both mornings to try and sort my hip out!

I also have to get a grip as I had 2x 500ml bottles of Coca Cola yesterday too so I need to cut that out before it becomes a habit again!

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