Woke up this morning at 5:30 as normal and did my weigh-in. Surprisingly I was up to 108.6kgs this morning even though I am looking thinner and more toned than I have been! I can see that my shoulders, arms and legs are all bigger and more defined so I guess that the extra weight is muscle and water and not fat as I have been drinking a lot of water too this week.
After the weigh in I got ready and went for my morning walk. I walked 2.62 miles for 5352 steps in just under 44 minutes:
So my walk this morning covered more steps than I did all day yesterday!
I have just built up my Dialled Cruiser to ride for now and potentially race at the Bath regional next weekend and I am getting my DXR cranks back tomorrow night from my friend who I lent them too last year. I like the Forward cranks but they are a fair bit more flexible than the DXR’s as I am so heavy at the moment.
So I went to the track and had a bit of a ride but it was really windy and I am not super keen on the way the dialled rides as its back end is really long! I did find that I am way more comfortable on a 37×16 gearing so I may go back to running that going forwards.
I am going to try and rethread the Yess bottom bracket and if that doesn’t work then I will have to build up the Supercross Frame with or the Meybo frame.