This morning I woke up and did my weigh-in and I was surprised to find that I was 107.5kgs which is an amazing 1.3kgs in a week which is amazing. Basically all I have done differently this week is to ride to work and back Monday and Tuesday as well as walk around a fair bit at work too. Other than that nothing different at all! In fact I have drunk more fizzy drinks again this week too!
As you can see I have not done anywhere near 10000 steps at all this week but I have ridden the bike a bit. With the results I have received in 2 days riding I have decided that I will ride to the office every morning and then ride home at lunch time then I can work from home in the afternoon. This also means that I get at least 30 minutes lunch a day while I ride home 🙂
It will be interesting to see how much I will lose riding to work and back 5 days a week. Especially as the ride is only a mile or so each way so it works out to be about 15 minutes each way which isn’t a lot at all.
I have noticed the past couple days that my asthma has got much better this week so if that is the only benefit then thats a good improvement!
The Airdrop is really nice to ride apart from the brake being a bit miss-aligned so it rubs a bit now and again which I can live with for now. The White stickers arrived yesterday so at the weekend I will scan them and then try and print a set off on my new vinyl cutter as practice making the stickers as well as change up the look of the bike too. I have matt black vinyl as well so if we don’t like the look of the white stickers we can just make some more and put the matt black ones back on the bike:
I think that the white stickers will look really good with the Matt black frame colour but we will see at the weekend.