Still no walking done

So this week has been a write off exercise wise as my intended 10000 steps a day has currently equated to 946 Steps on Wednesday and a slightly better 3786 steps yesterday so I am well off of my target steps. I have also been struggling to sleep at night which has made waking up at 5:30 am impossible too.

I am holiday from tonight so I will work on getting back into my normal routine ready so start back at work having woken up and walked 10000 steps before work again.

I am also going to use the holiday to stop drinking fizzie drinks again as have been back on the Coca Cola all week which is really bad and is starting to cause acid reflux again which has not been helping with my sleeping.

I have a BMX free weekend as most people are away so no gates and I can’t ride still so I am going to try and get up and go walking early then take it easy both days before going to London for the week with my son on Monday where we plan to do a lot of walking over the week so it should be really easy to get the 10000 steps in while we are away!

So I have 22 days until the last National weekend at Birmingham so I need to start walking properly to try and get as much weight off as possible as I am not really able to ride at the moment so I am going to really struggle! I need to get in the best shape possible considering I can’t exercise. I am also doing a training session on the 8th of August so I need to be at least a bit in shape for that too. I will most likely continue riding from the 8th until the last National on the 14th to try and get some bike skills as being a bit broken but riding a lot will be a better option than not riding at all I think! I am planning to ride on the Saturday before the training on the 8th (6th August) just so that I feel comfortable on the bike for the training so I have 15 days until I ride the bike again to get back in shape!

So my short term goal from today is to walk 10000 steps a day every day until the 6th of August (so 15 days straight) to see how much weight I can lose and then from the 6th August until the 13th August walk 10000 steps and also Ride my BMX every day to get used to it. I am planning to ride in my lunch hour for an hour a day and work on skills instead of riding flat out as it seems to hurt my stomach more going flat out than just riding at a slower pace. This should also burn a fair bit of weight off too.  I need to work on riding more smoothly and carrying speed anyway so this should help and I am not too worried about losing speed on my gates as I am usually consistently OK at gates and first straights anyway.

Once the Nationals are over I will have to get an operation anyway so I will have to start from scratch once I get the OK from the doctors so I will play it by ear. I am hoping that I will be able to get back in training around October time just in time for Evening Sprint sessions to start up again as it will be too dark to ride at the track in the evenings again.


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