2017 Recap

I am just contemplating how 2017 went bmx wise and I had a pretty good year. I could have done without crashing at the brits and losing a lot of fitness and 2-3 months of riding but that’s bmx racing.

I am pretty pleased how 2017 went race wise. I didn’t make an A final but I did win a B final which would have been unthinkable at the start of the year. I also went from being the slowest or one of the slowest riders in 2016 to being just beind the really fast guys in 2017 so I can be proud of my achievements in 2017. For 2018 I want to close the gap between myself and the really fast guys as I felt that I was stuck in between being faster than the slower guys but slower than the really fast guys which was a bit annoying to say the least.

Physically I dropped 5kgs this year from changing my lifestyle and eating really badly. I fell short of not drinking fizzy drinks all year in 2017 but I did last almost 9 months which is great. I only got back on the fizzy drinks when I got hurt and got a bit depressed with the slowness of my healing! Still I am going to try and stop the fizzy drinks again this year and see if I can make the whole year without drinking fizzy drinks as I felt so much better without them.

I am also going to continue with the intermittent fasting as it started to shred the fat which also made me feel much better and also helped with my riding.

Injury wise I need to get my left knee looked at as I think the ligaments it have all snapped as it is really loose and keep going out of alignment all the time and clicking and hyperextending.

I want to simplify my life this year so I am going to change the way I use this site to record my activity. I am going to go back to a more blog style and just separate the important information like weighins, training changes and bike changes into separate pages. I found the way that the site was structured I ended up having to update 3 or 4 pages at a time which was pretty time consuming and led to me not updating all of the information all the time.

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