31 Days of May challenge has been put off again

I have had to put off starting the 31 days of May challenge until tomorrow morning as my wrist is still sore and also I have to go to the airport in a bit so do not have time to do it today!

I also forgot to do a weigh in before I ate this morning so I will have to remember to do it in the morning before I drink my beetroot juice shot and water and go to the gym!

I did absolutely nothing yesterday as I haven’t been sleeping this week so I was super tired!  I did get my 20″ from the container but other than that I just vegged out on the sofa all day!

As I said I am out of the house most of the day today so I will have to do the bike tonight when I get home as I want to try and ride it tomorrow morning so it needs to be sorted!

Tomorrow morning I am going to try and go to the gym and then do a bike ride for an hour to get my revised 30 days in may challenge kicked off on the right foot to try and get some momentum going for the rest of the week! I have decided that I will do the gym on Monday and Friday mornings early and get it out of the way and the weight sessions will be just legs as they are the most important areas to gain strength! I want to try and start doing 2 x sprint sessions a week too so I will try and get them done on Tuesday and Thursday nights if possible then I have Monday and Friday nights And I would like to do manual practice on Monday, Tuesday (Before Sprints), Thursday and Friday nights and then Wednesday’s will be racing or gates at Bristol if possible.

I have to get to work as I only have 2 months left before the worlds and I am in no shape to race at the moment! As I have said before I have decided that I will only do 2 more regionals + Bristol so that I make the minimum rounds possible to qualify for the Brits after the Worlds so I need to ramp up my training to get in shape!

If my wrist is still hurting on Tuesday I will call the doctors and get an appointment to get it sorted before it gets worse! It is a bit weird as it is more of a niggle that it is painful so I am not sure if I am just used to the pain now or if it is just a strain or something but it is a good idea to get it looked at!

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