I woke up at 5am this morning to get up and get ready and go into work but was really hurting from all the exercise over the weekend so I went back to bed until 7 and then got ready and rode into the office on the Dialled 24″. I then worked all day and then rode home again and then chilled for the rest of the day!
This evening I was speaking to my friend and his Son wants to ride cruiser again so am selling him back my son’s Meybo frame and forks so he can build it up for his son to race on.
I will then use the money to finish of my 20″ build and my son will either use that or the Dialled 24″ that I am using to ride to work on at the moment. I have already moved my Son’s new Gusset cranks onto the 24″ off of the Meybo so there isn’t much else to take off of the Meybo as the rear wheel and brake are with Gary at Curtis already so the bike is in pieces anyway. My son is in Brazil on Holiday with his Mum until the end of the month so that gives me plenty of time to get the 20″ up together before he gets back. I only really need to get tyres, tubes, a brake and grips and the bike can be built up. I also need to replace the 20mm rear axle with the 10mm that arrived from Onyx last month which I will do at the weekend when I’m not riding.
Once I get the new Curtis Frame from Gary I will be able to build it up with some of the parts from the Meybo (Wheels, Seat, Brake etc) and then my Son can have the S&M that I am riding at the moment as his bike as I really like it so I don’t want to sell it any time soon although there are already 5 or so people in the que to buy it when I am selling it 🙂
At the weekend I also need to get the Speedco and Chase frames cleaned up and on the internet for sale and I may also sell the Dialled 24″ as well and use the Jump bike and 20″ to ride to work on instead so I don’t really need it any more!
At t he moment I am planning to keep the S&M Steel Panther, Dialled 20″ and the jump bike and I plan to sell my 24″ Freestyle bike, the 24″ Dialled race bike, and the 2 race cruiser frames and the NS Metropolis Jump Bike frame that I have and I am still thinking about if I sell the Dialled 4x bike or not!
At t he moment I am only using the 24″ S&M to race on and I plan to ride the Jump bike a lot more and to use it to ride to work as well, I am building up the 20″ dialled for my Son to use when he is here and also for me to train on and maybe race on too at Regionals to build fitness as I am not too worried about where I finish at Regionals. I need to make room for the Curtis 24″ that I am getting made for the Worlds so the rest of the bikes and frames need to go. I also want to get a new set of 175mm Shimano DXR Cranks for my Race Cruiser so I need to get some money back from all the other Bikes I have lying about!