Just got bike clean before the rain

IMG 1839

At lunch time today I took my old work stand outside and washed the Steel Panther as it looked like this after gates at Bristol last night!:

PHOTO 2022 03 31 11 59 58

As I was setting up the jet wash it started to spit a bit even though there were blue sky all around! I carried on and washed the bike with the little water that was left in the container and then soaped the bike up with Muc-Off and left it for 5 minutes to do its thing while I filled up the water container and then rinsed the Muc-Off off of the bike.

I then put the bike in the kitchen and started to pack everything away. I put the old workstand in the shed as well as it is now a wash stand as I have my new Park Tools workstand to work with. As I was locking the shed it started to rain a bit heavier so I just got finished in time!!

I let the bike dry off a bit and then sprayed GT85 onto an old t-shirt and wiped the frame, forks and bars over with it and then lubed up the chain and hung the bike back on the wall ready to use later:

IMG 1839

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