Weigh in and Rest day today


Got up and did my weigh in and I have stayed the same weight as last week which is not ideal but it is better than gaining weight I guess!

As my knee was still really sore I decided to hold off on the gym again and instead I rode into work and the knee was sore but much better than yesterday which is a good sign. I walked a load in the office and my knee held up pretty well too. It was also fine riding home so looks like it should be good for the weekends racing. I am still icing it and putting Volarol on it to ease the pain but it is not too bad and it is not blue any more which is nice 🙂

When I go home my delivery of Tubolito tubes had arrived from Skatepro so I will be able to test them on Thursday after doing a timed sprint session Tuesday night with the bike with normal tubes and then changing the tubes and doing the same workout on Thursday and seeing if there are any differences.

After chatting to my neighbour for a bit I literally stayed on the sofa watching Netflix and resting the knee as much as possible.

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