It looks like I made the right decision to not race this weekend as I felt terrible yesterday and I am still feeling off today!
On a positive note I got my car back yesterday so I can get to training etc more easily now!
I have to clean the ebike today ready to take it back to the shop that I borrowed it off as my month trial is up on Tuesday! I have to say that I am going to miss it as it makes getting to the track really quick and easy and it is nice to get to work without being a sweaty mess 🙂
When I get my bonus this month I want to get my Motorbike fixed and through the MOT then I will try and sell it and put the money towards an ebike conversion kit for one of my old bikes. At the moment I can’t decide between converting my 4X bike as I really like it but it never gets used or my old road bike as it will be way better than the 4x bike as it is lighter and designed to be ridden longer distances! I will keep mulling it over and then worry about it nearer the time I guess. I am also not sure if I should for a Swytch kit or get a more expensive crank driven kit but as its only really to go to the track on the Swytch makes more sense as it can be removed quickly by removing the front wheel if I want to use the bike as a normal bike.
This weekend if i have the strength I need to build up the dialled MX24r so that I can use it to ride to the office on as I am giving the ebike back so I will need a bike to ride. I also need to clean the Speedco frame and get that on the internet for sale. If I get time I also need to get my 24″ Sunday Model C build up and washed and get that on the internet for sale too as I haven’t ridden it in over a year so it is just taking up space.
I also need to get my garage organised and some of the less used bikes moved into it as I have to find space for the Dialled AND my 20″ as my friend has picked up my new Onyx Ultra Wheel set today from the National so I need to build that too.
The S&M Steel Panther Frame should arrive early next week so I can then build that up as my race bike and then I will have 3 steel race BMX bikes, The Dialled for riding around town on and the Steel Panther as my race cruiser and the Dialled MX20r as my race 20″ to train on and race if I decide to race it.
I am sort of wanting to keep the Chase for a bit and I may just hang it on the wall for now as it is shinny so will look good on the wall.