Went to Trow this evening and met up with my friend and his daughter and did our usual Tuesday night sprints session as planned.
I felt pretty good during the 25m sprints although I was struggling a bit for the last 5m or so which is probably to be expected after being bed ridden for over a week with man flu!
When we moved to 50m sprints I felt even worse and only managed 3 sprints before calling it a day as I was feeling sick and faint so I decided that it was better not to push too hard too soon.
Once I got home and checked my times they were slower than the last session that we did but still faster than the first session so I was pretty happy about the times really and its great to be getting back into training again:
Date | 25m LFF | 25m LFF | 25m LFF | AV 25m LFF | 25m RFF | 25m RFF | 25m RFF | AV 25m RFF | 50m LFF | 50m LFF | 50m LFF | AV 50m LFF | 50m RFF | 50m RFF | 50m RFF | AV 50m RFF |
09/11/2021 | 4.109 | 4.628 | 4.346 | 4.361 | 4.323 | 4.155 | 4.088 | 4.189 | 6.855 | 6.716 | 6.760 | 6.777 | 6.703 | 0.000 | 0.000 | N/A |
23/11/2021 | 4.026 | 4.019 | 3.993 | 4.013 | 4.007 | 4.049 | 3.950 | 4.002 | 6.704 | 6.678 | 6.655 | 6.679 | 6.640 | 6.657 | 6.591 | 6.629 |
07/12/2021 | 4.097 | 4.083 | 4.004 | 4.061 | 4.012 | 4.031 | 4.123 | 4.055 | 6.735 | 6.812 |
Checking my fastest times I was only slightly slower than my fastest times so not so bad:
Date | Fastest 25m LFF | Fastest 25m RFF | Fastest 50m LFF | Fastest 50m RFF | |
24/11/2021 | 3.993 | 3.950 | 6.655 | 6.591 | |
07/12/2021 | 4.004 | 4.012 | 6.735 | n/a | |
Difference | 0.011 | 0.062 | 0.080 | n/a |