Sprints done.

Went to Trow this evening and met up with my friend and his daughter and did our usual Tuesday night sprints session as planned.

I felt pretty good during the 25m sprints although I was struggling a bit for the last 5m or so which is probably to be expected after being bed ridden for over a week with man flu!

When we moved to 50m sprints I felt even worse and only managed 3 sprints before calling it a day as I was feeling sick and faint so I decided that it was better not to push too hard too soon.

Once I got home and checked my times they were slower than the last session that we did but still faster than the first session so I was pretty happy about the times really and its great to be getting back into training again:

Date 25m LFF 25m LFF 25m LFF AV 25m LFF 25m RFF 25m RFF 25m RFF AV 25m RFF 50m LFF 50m LFF 50m LFF AV 50m LFF 50m RFF 50m RFF 50m RFF AV 50m RFF
09/11/2021 4.109 4.628 4.346 4.361 4.323 4.155 4.088 4.189 6.855 6.716 6.760 6.777 6.703 0.000 0.000 N/A
23/11/2021 4.026 4.019 3.993 4.013 4.007 4.049 3.950 4.002 6.704 6.678 6.655 6.679 6.640 6.657 6.591 6.629
07/12/2021 4.097 4.083 4.004 4.061 4.012 4.031 4.123 4.055 6.735 6.812

Checking my fastest times I was only slightly slower than my fastest times so not so bad:

Date Fastest 25m LFF Fastest 25m RFF Fastest 50m LFF Fastest 50m RFF
24/11/2021 3.993 3.950 6.655 6.591
07/12/2021 4.004 4.012 6.735 n/a
Difference 0.011 0.062 0.080 n/a

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