Body-weight training program (Strength Training).


Body-weight training program (Strength Training).

On Friday the NBA Power Conditioning book that I ordered from amazon arrived, so this morning I have formulated my body weight strength training program that I aim to do 3 x a week (Tue, Thur and Saturdays) with the aim to strengthen my body, speed weight loss and hopefully improve performance and cut down on injury going forwards.

The idea is to get a base level of fitness and then in December/ January replace the body-weight training with Gym training to add additional stress and get further gains. The exercises that I plan to do are:

Push ups





Back Extensions

Calf raises

Wall Squats (60 seconds)

I plan to do 20-30 reps and run the exercises in a circuit with 2 minutes between sets. I want to try and do 3 sets.

I am going to do the training tonight and see how long it takes then I can figure out if I can fit it in before work or not on a normal week. I would prefer to get the training done first thing as I know how lazy I get after work!

Another advantage of doing the Strength training in the morning is that I will be able to do it straight after my walk so my body will be warm and therefore I can go straight into the routine cutting out a separate warm-up which would be needed if I do it later in the day!


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