Knee issues cut walk short! Still made 10000 Steps for the though :-)

Knee issues cut walk short! Still made 10000 Steps for the day though 🙂

walk-bad knee

I woke up at 5:15 this morning to get out of the house earlier and ended up still only leaving by 5:43!! I was feeling really good on my walk this morning which was amazing as I did full laps yesterday so I was suspecting that I would be hurting this morning. All was going well until about 2 miles into the walk when I stepped off the curb and got a really bad pain in my left knee which persisted for about 15 minutes! I decided to take a faster/ shorter route home to make sure that I didn’t cause any major damage.

Typically my knee felt good by the time I got home but it was better to be safe than sorry! In total I walked 3.01 miles and was walking for 53 minutes which converted to just over 6000 steps (6029) so not a bad start to the day but quiet a bit below my usual 10000+ steps walks that I usually do!

I still plan to go to the track at lunch time to test out the newly built Dialled MX24R out on the track and try and get used to it (and its new lower gearing) before I race it tomorrow night at Bristol!

I went to the track as planned and rode the Dialled MX24R and it rode really well except that the bars seem way too high so I need to play around with them and compare them to the Dialled MX20R as that is the setup that I am used to. I also need to sort the brake cable out as it is starting to rub the frame already and also it slaps against the frame and makes an annoying noise all the time.

I also struggled big time to manual the bike as I am so used to the 20″ now the cruiser feels odd! I guess with time that will improve. I will find out tomorrow at Bristol I guess 🤣 I am liking the lower gearing as it is way easier to accelerate but again I am not sure how it will be out of the gate and in a race as that is the only way to tell really how quick you are!

I am in the process of measuring the 20″ and I will then lower the bars on the 24″ to be a similar height. I may also have to swap the top loader stem for a front loader again if the bars will not go low enough by swapping the spacers over.

Even though I only had a short walk this morning I still managed to walk 11106 steps without having to go out for another walks today so all good 🙂

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