Back to walking again. 10000 Steps completed by 7am!


Back to walking again. 10000 Steps completed by 7am!

This morning I woke up and was out of the house on my morning walk by 5:45. My back was sore for the first 20 minutes or so but after that it loosened up and it is feeling much better now.

I walked for about 1 hour 30 minutes but have no idea how far I walked as I forgot to set Strava before I left and my fitbit was put on charge again last night so as per I forgot to put it on before I left this morning!

I have just looked through my Strava history and I think that I walked about  5 miles this morning, I will find out tomorrow morning as I will walk the same route again as set Strava and wear my fitbit.

While I was on Strava I took a look at my training calendar and I could see right away how inconsistent my training has been this year even though I have set the goal to be more consistent!! As you can see from the training calendar below:


The consistency isn’t quite as bad as the Calendar shows as I regularly forget to record my efforts with Strava, I can guarantee that I did walk at least 10000 steps a day most days in July for instance but I didn’t bother to record my walks with Strava!

As my back is knackered again and I am not really able to ride my bike much I will re-focus my efforts to consistently walking every morning and also try and record ALL efforts with Strava so that I can have a true reflection of my efforts going forwards.

It is looking more and more like the walking will have to be a regular part of my daily routine going forwards as every time I stop my back goes and I have to stop riding BMX again. So I might as well keep an accurate record of my effort at least. I have just stuck a big note on the front door to remind me to turn on Strava!

I have decided to try and walk 10000 steps a day from now until the end of the year and try and record all my walks too. If I make it to the end of the year I will treat myself to a new Curtis BMX frame to race on next year.

Once my back is better and I am able to ride again, I will slowly add BMX specific training on top of the walking instead of replacing the walking like I did this time! Hopefully this will mean that once I start riding again I will not get any more back issues and will be able to consistently train so that I am ready to race next year as I was really off of the pace this year at National level so my goal is to be more competitive next year to try and make an A final by the end of next year! This will mean that I need to get a lot faster as well as get a lot more skilful on my bike and really improve my manuals and jumping as well!

I have decided that for the rest of the year I am going to concentrate on getting healthy, losing weight and getting better on my bike then in the new year I will start working on the speed by adding sprints and hitting the gym a couple times a week too so that by March-April when the season starts I will be ready for a season of racing and be as fast as I can be. I will also decide if I should stop playing Basketball and race at Bristol Wednesday nights instead as racing mid week each week will help a lot with getting faster!



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