I have been reading up on diet and fat loss and I have decided that I am going to give intermittent fasting a try.
Intermittent fasting is where you limit the times at which you eat so that the body goes into a starvation state and utilises the body’s fat reserves to fuel the body. I am going to ease into it by eating for 8 hours a day and fasting for the other 16 hours. The goal is to get to a point where I can go 20 hours without eating and only eat for 4 hours a day.
For this week I am going to try and not eat until 1pm and then stop eating at 9pm at night. This should be pretty easy to do as I am on my night shift this week so I will not be waking up until 10am anyway. I will have to play it by ear next week when I am on earlies as I can’t see it being so easy when I am waking up at 4:30 am to go to the gym and then not eating until 1pm. I think I may be able to make it until 10 or 11 am so I will try this.
Today has been pretty easy to not eat as I woke up at 8:30 and got to the track by 10:30 and then came home and did some bike maintenance until 12:30 so I didn’t think about food until now (12:45). I have taken my mind off of food for another 10 minutes doing this blog so after I have my shower and get dressed it will be time to eat 🙂
I am going to do an evaluation at the gym this week sometime so that I can get my fat content measured and then see how my fat loss goes over the next couple of months before i evaluate how the intermittent fasting is going.
The first day of intermittent fasting went well. I managed to eat from 13:15 until 21:15 and nothing in between. I was surprised how easy it was to not eat after 21:00 as I was working on late shift until 03:45 last night and normally I would be picking and eating loads until I go to bed but last night it wasn’t a problem.
Surprisingly today has been just as easy to wait to eat until 13:00 again today. I thought that it would be. I am off to the supermarket to by loads of water to keep me going to make sure I don’t eat outside of my eating window.
I managed to stop eating at the end of my eating window today but actually felt too full and a bit sick by then.
Managed to not eat until 13:00 again today but it was a bit harder this morning as I woke up at 10:30 really hungry but I went out on my bike at 11am so the hunger passed when I started drinking water. I stopped eating again at 21:00 and just drank water after that. I was tempted a few times to eat between 21:00 and 02:00 but the cravings were not too strong so were easy to ignore. A major issue I had tonight was that I had to go to the toilet in the night 3 times due to the amount of water I had drunk. Tonight I am going to stop drinking water 30 minutes before the end of my shift to try and reduce the amount of times I have to wake up in the night.
Woke up really hungry this morning and busting for the toilet even though I had been 3 times in the night! Got showered and dressed quickly and went to the pump track and then to the car park to do my manuals so the rest of the morning was easy. I actually started eating 15 minutes after 13:00 as I was finishing up my 30 minutes of manual practice.
The intermittent fasting is going really well I can feel that I am getting thinner all the time. My face, legs and chest/shoulders are getting much more defined. By stomach has got smaller too! it definitely is sticking out much less. I have been able to easily wait to eat until 1pm even though I am on the move from 4:30 am this week which I didn’t think I would be able to do so that is a bonus. This also means that I will be able to keep to the same eating schedule no matter which shift I am working which I think will be better in the long run.
I am really used to the intermittent fasting and finding the results amazing. I have dropped just under 3kgs in a month and over 1kg in 2 weeks just from intermittent fasting and eating and drinking really badly still which is amazing. More amazing than the weight loss is the way that I have slimmed down. After just 2 weeks my face is loads thinner as are my legs and my arms and upper torso. My stomach and waist have also shrunk but are still fat. I can not wait to see how ripped I can get when I start eating better and cut out soft drinks after xmas.