Longer walk done. 10000 Steps Completed.


Longer walk done. 10000 Steps Completed.


This morning I woke up at 3am and I was unable to get back to sleep again so after lying in bed for an hour or so I decided to get up and go for my walk.

As I left early I decided to walk a bit further and for a bit longer to get my 10000 steps in before I got home. I walked for 5.82 miles in the end which was 11304 steps and I walked for 1 hour and 36 minutes all together.

This morning’s walk was really relaxing as I walked a lot along the river and also the canal before walking back through the park on the way home. I could have taken an even longer route but my knee and back were hurting so I I cut through the park instead.

From the pain that I am still feeling I think that I will have to wait until the weekend to start riding the BMX again but I may start stretching later in the week.

In the evening my son came over to help me move an aquarium that was heavier than I had expected so I had to walk him home so I ended up walking 23049 steps total for the day!



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