10000 Steps: Day 14 – Lovely walk again today

30 day challenge

10000 Steps: Day 14 – Lovely walk again today


I woke at just after 1 pm did my weigh in for the week which was a little disappointing as I have put on 0.2 kgs so I am back up to 105.4kgs. This is not too surprising as the weigh-in was in the middle of the day and I had eaten 5 hours before the weigh in as I have been working nights, compared to my normal weigh ins which are first thing in the morning after not eating for 10 hours or more!


10000 Steps

After the weigh in I got showered and ready and got my son ready too and we went for out daily walk. We walked the same route as yesterday, except we walked along the river path and back along the Bath to Bristol cycle path and cut back onto the river path and back home along the river. It was so warm today that we had to take off our jackets which was a nice change.

We also got to see all the rowers on the river which also mad a nice change.

I hit my 10000 steps just before we got home too so it worked out really well. I wore my barefoot shoes again today and since I have been using them I have had no knee pain or shin splits at all an my left foot pain has gone from feeling like I have a 50p under my foot all the time to a 5p in just 5 days! This is the longest that I have had pain free while walking for ages. I am also not feeling my back any more when I walk so the consistent walking seems to be helping. The shoes were the hands down the best value for money shoes that I have bought in a long time!!

When I got home I spent the afternoon on the computer trying to figure out a booking system for Bath BMX Club as we have an open day on Sunday and need to limit the number of people attending to 30 people so need a booking system. I managed to get a temporary system sorted out before I started work so that was a bonus!

Daily Steps Total:

By the end of the day I had managed to make 11493 steps so crushed the 10000 step goal for the day again.


2 Week Step Totals:

So today was the end of my second week (14th Day) of walking everyday and I have to say that I am pretty impressed how well I have done considering I have been on night shift for the past 4 nights as well:

steps 14 days

I averaged 12810 steps per day for the last 14 days when rounded up, which almost 300 extra steps a day which is pretty good. This is all the more impressive as both myself and my son have been sick for the majority of the 14 days too! I can’t stress enough how much getting the barefoot shoes has helped me out with my walking and I can not get over how much better my body feels and how much better my asthma has been getting. If this is the difference in 14 days then I can’t wait to see the difference at the end of the 30 days.

I was thinking about how adding the 10000 steps to my daily routing has already started to for a habit and I can definitely see myself carrying on walking everyday for a long time! This is especially true since I am now pretty much pain free so I do not have to suffer through the walk any more! I have also noticed that I do not feel so stiff when I wake up in the mornings any more even though I have not been sleeping more than 5 hours a night in the last 4 nights!

At the moment I am really keen to try and make 365 days walking 10000 steps a day! I am definitely going to extend the 30 days to 60 days anyway but the ultimate goal is to push it to 365 days and then by then it will be an ingrained habit that I should be able to continue for the rest of my life!

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