Track training: Didn’t go as planned
My track training today didn’t go as planned! I went to the track as planned and helped out with some track maintenance as planned but I then got a call that my Mum and dog had been attacked while they were out walking so I had to cut my day short and cancel going to the planned gates session at Bristol BMX in case I had to go over to my parents house to help out!
Luckily both were OK in the end but both needed treatment at hospital and the vets so neither are very happy at the moment and both are pretty sore from their injuries. All in all it could have been a whole lot worse and the owners of the other dog are trying to find someone to take it as they are aware that they can not able to care for the dog properly as it is too powerful for them! so with a bit of luck the dog will get the help that it needs to not repeat this behaviour again!
As the day went on my throat hurt more and more so I think that I have tonsillitis coming 🙁 this may be because my son has brought it home from school as he had a sore throat Friday night or it could be a sign that I am overdoing it a bit! In case it is the latter I am going to reduce my track time to 3-4 times a week for now and start riding my bike in the skatepark as it is a bit less intense compared to riding on the track and it will also get me working on my skills like manuals and jumping that I badly need to improve!
I did manage to get 2 first straights in today before I got called away and the cranks felt a bit better today but I was not going flat out which may explain it. I can’t wait to get the DXR’s on the bike when they arrive so that I can forget about the cranks being an issue and concentrate on riding. I am going to raise the bars a bit now to try and stop me being hunched over when riding to try and get me back in the correct sprinting position to try and improve my speed and reduce stress on my back.
It wasn’t all bad news today we did manage to get the start hill brushed and looking good so my first straights will get faster as a result of not spinning out on all the stones and dust that was on the start hill. It took 3 of us about 30 minutes to get it done but the majority was done my Matt who is in the photo 🙂