2024 Goals

I am doing things a bit differently this year and instead of setting weight goals etc I will set one goal this year which is:

1. Consistently follow my Workout plan on a Daily basis

I have known for ages that my main issue is that I never consistently train for any length of time so I will train consistently for a few weeks then lose focus and stop training and focus on one part of my training and neglect the rest or I will really concentrate of pushing my BMX without walking or working out so I hit the limits of my fitness or skill and my body breaks or I crash and get injured so I am unable to train at all and I lose any benefits that I had gained and I am back to square 1!

This year I want to set daily, weekly, monthly and yearly goals of completing all workouts in my yearly plan.

By just focussing on making every workout every day the weekly, monthly and yearly goal should look after themselves and I will be have trained consistently for a year without really trying. If I make sure that I complete all workouts every day soon I will have consistently trained for a week, then it will have been a month, 3 months, 6 months, 9 months and then 12 months and I have consistently worked out for a year 🙂

From consistently working out for a year I hope to be able to reach my usual weight goal of 85kgs which would get me to about 15% body fat which should mean that I am able to race BMX and be competitive at a National level and  play basketball properly again without any issues. Next year I will hopefully be in a place where I can start making sports specific goals again as I will be not be so overweight and out of shape that I can train properly to make my sports goals possible.

My Weekly training schedule for now is:

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Loose other goals are:

Drop weight from 107.7kgs to 85kgs

Be able to manual every jump on Bath BMX Track

Be able to jump every jump on Bath BMX Track

As I said before I think that if I can achieve my goal of keeping to my training plan every day for a year the other goals should just become a reality!

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