– 2020 – Mar


Its been a really weird month so far with all the uncertainness of the corona virus getting in the way of training this month.

I have only managed to get out on the BMX twice this month and the road bike only once and have also been ill for a week last week.

Myself and my son have been in isolation for the past 2 weeks already and not been doing much at all to be honest. If I have been doing 1000 steps a day it would be a lot.

I have however stopped drinking coke today again so hopefully that will help to curb the weight gain.

I have decided that I am going to next month I am going to do a basic bodyweight program every day for 30 days to see how that helped with my weight loss.

I am currently researching the program and will add it to the blog when I have it formulated.


After yesterday’s pain free no coke day today has been more painful! I have had a dull headache all day today which I’m guessing is sugar or caffeine withdrawal. It is most likely the latter as I have been eating loads of sweets today to combat the sugar withdrawal. Also had a really bad throat and earache today too which is most likely unrelated to stopping drinking coke.

Still not formulated a program to start on the 1st but getting closer.


Woke up feeling good no headache or any other kind of pain this morning which is a good thing.

The headache got really bad last night to the point where I had to turn off lights to reduce the pain.

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