Rode to work again this morning and left the bike at via bike to see how long it took. I also bought a padlock on Amazon to use on my locker. Couldn’t use my locker either as someone was using it!
Had an issue when picking up the bike as the road was closed off just past the viabike so I hand to walk back to near my work before I could start riding.
Apart from someone using my locker everything was really good with via bike.
Rode to work again but left the bike in the garage at work instead of via bike as I was running late.
Had to work late too so when I left I forgot my bike on the floor next to the bike rack and rode home!! Luckily I realized I had forgotten my bag just before I got halfway home so I only did a few miles extra going back to get the bag 🤦♂️
Still all extra weight loss so not all bad.
Arranged to start later today so stopped off at Seattle BMX to pick up a new seat to go with the S&M slim Johnson seat post that arrived last week for the BMX.
Had to go into work again today as I had some stuff to finish up even though it was my day off. Was really tired riding to and from work and my legs were really sore so i decided to take the day as a rest day.
When I got home I took a really long bath which helped with the stiffness.
Got up early and rode to lower woodland skatepark (greenlake) on the bmx. I went the way I knew which was to Seattle BMX and the up the hill to the park.
Had a really good session in the skatepark and rode the middle bowl and the street section a lot. I wimped out of dropping into the bowl but was dropping into the smaller ramps both ways.
Really happy with my progress but was a bit annoyed with myself for talking myself out of dropping in the bowl.
I plan to go back tomorrow morning and intend to drop in to the bowl as soon as I get there to make sure I at least try it tomorrow.
Rode home and chilled for the rest of the day.
Here is a google earth view of the skatepark:

Got up early again and took a more direct route to the skatepark. It turned out that the route was more direct but even more up and down hill!!! My body was still sore fromn riding the day before so I walked most of the way.
Rode for an hour and a half again this morning and still didn’t drop into the bigger bowl but I did get my wheels to coping on the deeper walls and started getting used to airing lover down the walls. I also started to pump a lot better and carry speed. I also managed to ride back out of the roll in a few times.
I cut the session short as I was hurting really badly so I took the longer flatter route home to spin my legs out a bit. I then spent the rest of the day in the bath and then in bed with my legs raised to try and stop the aching.
Woke up at 7 and decided that I was better off resting today as it still really hurt to move after the weekends exertions.
I did ride to work and back though but I took it steady as I was still in pain!
I moved to 2 huel’s a day today too so that I can start to cut out food and go to 100% huel by the time I get home.
Rode to work and back again today but didn’t do much else. Continued with the 2 Huel’s a day as planned.
The front chain tensioner arrived today but again it would not work with the dialled frame again so I have given up with it and packed it away ready to take home and build with gears as it was designed to do.
Rode to work and back again today and again had 2 Huel’s.
Rode to work and back again today. Had an early finish today due to the having to work late yesterday.
Decided to get a cheap jump bike frame to use while in seattle as the dialled frame will not work as a single speed.
Had a look around and bought an Octane One Void frame in black. I bought it as it was cheap and also a fully chrome frame. It will be here next Tuesday hopefully.

I am 100% confident that this bike will work as a single speed and will work with the parts I have so pretty excited. Also the 25t front sprocket arrived today as I was looking online and 25×12 looks like a good gearing for a 26″ jump bike.
Was off today so took a ride to the skatepark and tool the long way there. As I woke up late I got to the skatepark and it was rammed so I decided not to ride there and to go home instead.
Rested for the rest of the day and went to bed early to get up early in the morning.
Got up really early and got to the skatepark for 7:30 ish and rode for a couple of hours. Had a really good session and I was really starting to flow in the bowl and getting my tyres near the coping when carving. Also starting to get the pumping sorted and also did a few under the coping airs as well.
Also started to jump the hip in the bowl also below the coping but it’s still a new learn. I am also starting to relax in the bowl and when getting out of the bowl which is good. Also able to keep the momentum going now which I couldn’t do last week.
After getting home I did all of my washing and the washing up and then went to the supermarket and got some shopping.
Also went all day without drinking soda as I have decided to stop drinking it again to lose weight faster.
Woke up early to go to the skatepark again but I was really sore so I decided to have a rest day.
Had a long bath and then stayed in the sofa for the rest of the day.
Was feeling pretty bad from withdrawal from soda or the sugar in it anyway but managed to stay strong and not go and but any.
Got up early and went to the skatepark again. Got there for about 8:30 and left at 10:30.
Had another good session working on my flow in the bowl.
Have decided to try and get to the skatepark every day early before work to get more time in.
Managed another day without soda but my stomach was a bit strange today which is something that happens when I stop drinking coca cola. Going to push through it as I am feeling much better and my asthma is really improving.
Woke up feeling really sore so decided not to ride bmx this morning and to rest.
Rode to work and back so rode just over 10 miles so still pretty good.
Had to ride home with a frame in my bag as the jump frame arrived 🙂
Looks really nice and seems pretty well made.
When I got home I tried to swap the hack wheel axle from 142×15 to 135 x 9mm I found that I couldn’t remove the axle and had to buy some 17mm cone spanners which will arrive tomorrow.
Didn’t ride BMX again as I had loads of emails and phone calls to make about my flat I am buying so didn’t have time.
Rode to work and back again.
Also didn’t get back from work until 00:30 as had a support call which dragged on just as I was going to leave!
Didn’t ride BMX again today as I got up really late due to the late night the night before.
Rode to work and back again today.
I have taken over my colleagues standing desk for the next couple of weeks as she is travelling. I used it for the last 3 hours of my shift and it was nice to be on my feet and my back felt much better.
The cone spanners arrived today and I was able to get one of the axle adapters off but not the other so I will have to drop the axle off at the bike shop in the morning.
Got up just before my alarm again this morning even though the alarm was set late! as I was tired as I stayed up late messing with the bike!
Rode to work and back again today.
Dropped the axle off at the bike shop and they were able to remove the adapter after soaking it in penetrating solution for a few hours!
I picked it up in my break so will build up the bike tomorrow.
I am going to leave the axle in the freezer for the night to see if the adapters screw on a bit better in the morning as the one that was taken off is really tight still.
This bike has been a real pain to build up and if it doesn’t work tomorrow I am going to give up and pack it ready to go home.
Was really busy this week as it was my last week in Seattle so had lots to do. managed to post my 24″ wheels from my last visit and the rest of the bits for my Maybo 24″ back to the UK along with the Front wheel of my Fit TRL XL 20″ that I have been riding this trip.
The only exercise that I did this week was riding to and from work every day Tuesday to Friday.
Got everything packed and it all fitted and made the weight limits when I got the the Airport 🙂
Flight home was amazing as I had a row of 3 seats to myself and there were loads of good films to watch and the food was OK. Also no delays and flew through customs and baggage claim so all in all a good trip home.
Didn’t sleep at all so was a bit tired when I got home got had a sleep then it was my Nephew’s birthday lunch then chilled for a bit and then got to bed for 22:30.
Woke up at 2:30 am and couldn’t get back to sleep again due to Jetlag so got up and started building the bikes that I had bought in the USA. The Fit TRL XL is all together except for its front wheel which is currently in the post from Seattle.
Got the 26″ Jump bike almost together. It is missing the headset and chain so I have to buy them today so that I can put the bike back together.
We are planning to go to Midsomer Norton skatepark early today to get a couple of hours in before it gets busy then I want to get the bikes built and also build up the 24″ Miraco that is in bits in the shed. I also want to get my Yess type X built up soon as I think I want to race it this year again.
Once all this is done I need to start getting my bike stuff packed up so that I am ready to move once the flat purchase completes.