– 2019 – Feb

Have been in the USA for the past 3 weeks and haven’t really done a lot of exercise apart from a bit of riding around on my BMX. I have forgottten exactly what I have done so I am going to start from today! I have also been really bad on the fizzy drinks for the past 3 weeks as well so I am stopping drinking them again today too.


Got up at 5 and went to the gym in the apartment complex. Did 15 minutes on the exercise bike and then had to stop as my arse was so sore from the horrible seat! Then did 4 sets of 10 reps on the squat machine, I used the 2 x 11 kg plates for the first 2 sets then went up to the 15kg plates for the next set but my knee felt funny so I went back down to the 11kg plates for the last set which was pain free. Going to have to stick to the smaller weights for the time being. I then did 4 sets of leg extensions followed by 4 sets of leg curls and then finished off with 15 minutes walking on the treadmill. Had to stop after 15 minutes as my foot was hurtling as I only have Air Jordan 1’s which aren’t really made for the gym. I will try and get to a sports shop today to buy some running shoes so that I can start walking and jogging every day instead of using the exercise bike as it is too painful!!! Also jogging will probably be more beneficial to weight loss for me as my body is really used to riding a bike so it isn’t as effective for weight loss any more. Also once it stops snowing I am going to be riding to work and back anyway on top of the gym so dont want to do too much of one thing.


I have been riding the bmx to and from work for the past 2 weeks so getting fitter at least. Had a weigh in and i have put on 10kgs so I am back to 105kgs and have been drinking loads of coke since I have been in the USA. I also had to go to Philadelphia on short notice so I have had to take the bike apart and have packed it.

There is a gym in the hotel so I will have to go to the gym instead until I get back at the weekend.

When i get home I need to drop as much of this extra weight before the first race of the season. I also have to stop drinking coke as well as this is the major reason for the weight gain.

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