2017 – Winter training

I am now well and truly in winter mode. I have had enough of Mud and wet windy tracks so I have decided that I am going back to flat peddles for the winter and going to do more off track training as I am getting pissed off with having to wash all of my clothes, shoes and bike every time I ride and having the car constantly full of mud.

After getting home from the track today I have washed all of my clipless shoes ready to store them for the winter (I may still use them for gates).

Here is a picture of them clean and gleaming:

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I have also decided that I need to really focus on flat manuals now so that next year I can improve on the track. Especially with the track re-model at the Bath track where the manuals are longer than I can do at the moment.

I have decided to do at least 30 minutes of manuals a day for the rest of the year with the goal of being able to manual 20m slowly by the end of the year.

I am also moving from the track to the pump track as pump track riding is also something that I have been avoiding and is the best place to get good bike control and not get too muddy.

I have just been watching how to videos  of how to manual in order to get better quickly.

I haven’t  been riding my bike too much this month so I have been mulling over my winter training so far this winter and I have basically been going through the motions and not progressing at all. In fact I am feeling that I have regressed if anything!

I was trying to focus on certain aspects of training and getting too obsessed with them. I think I need to go back to the way I was training last season where I had a daily focus and changed it up every day.

I need to add manual training and bunny hop training as well so I plan to practice these on my freestyle bmx and then bring them to the track and pump track to practice.

My first race this season is on the 4th of March so at least I now have a focus for my training. For January I am going to limit my track time a bit so that I can focus on sprints and pump tracks during the week and the go to tracks on the weekends more. I want to so sprints 3 times a week as well as get in 4 gym sessions a week before I train.

I also need to get in manual and bunny hop training as well to get them better ASAP as I need to improve my manuals and jumping if I am going to progress in my racing.



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