2017 – Gym Training

I am going to use this page to track the Gym work that I do during the off season. As my knee if still hurting from hyper extending it last weekend I am going to change up my gym training for the next couple of weeks and call it the pre-gym faze.

Pre-Gym Faze (13/11/12 – 24/11/12)

As I am unable to do any leg weights with my left leg at the moment I am going to use the first 2 weeks of training as a pre faze and do an hour a day of aerobic exercise and core work on my leg days (Monday and Fridays) to try and drop as much weight as possible before I start doing leg work. On my upper body days (Tuesdays and Thursdays) I am going to do 20 minutes of aerobic exercise followed by upper body weights and some core as well.

13/11/17 – Got to the gym at 5am as planned and did 1 hour on the recumbent bike. I did 17.46km in the hour and my knee held up fine.

14/11/17 – Was a bit sore this morning so I decided to just do the recumbent bike again this morning. I did a bit less this morning as I did 17.13km in an hour. my knee was still pain free so looking good to start weight training on it soon.

27/11/17 – Got up at 4.30 am and went to the gym to Start building up my knee ready for next season. I did 4×15 leg presses followed my 4×15 calf raises followed by 4×15 hamstring curls followed by 4×15 leg extensions. I then finished off the session with 20 minutes on the recumbent bike where I did 6.88 miles. My legs are really sore but I am feeling good that I have made a start on my recuperation.

28/11/17 – Got to the gym for 4.55 am and did 1 hour on the recumbent bike on the fat burning workout. I did 19.83KM in the hour that I was on the bike which is pretty good considering my legs were really aching from the weights yesterday.

11/12/17 – Got to the gym early again this morning and did an hour on the recumbent bike. I had my best session ever doing 20.29km so over half a km more than I did the last time I was on it so pretty pleased. It is definitely feeling easier.

14/11/17 – Got to the gym at 5am again and did an hour on the fat burner program on the exercise bike to have a change from the recumbent bike. In the hour on the bike I did 21.35km so just over a km more than my best time on the recumbent bike so pretty pleased.

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