10000 steps done before 11am!


10000 steps done before 11am!

I woke up at 5:30 as normal but decided that I would chill until just before 9:00 and then walk to the bike shop and drop off my Dialled MX24R frame off to get the headset cups removed from the frame.

I left my house at 9am and then when I got to the Julian House bike shop the technician said he could get the cups removed right away and to come back in 20 minutes so I decided to go for a walk for 30 minutes and pop back to see if it was done or not as they were pretty stuck in the frame.

I took a walk along the river past Pulteney weir around Sydney Gardens and then back to the bike shop.

When I got back to the bike shop the technician was a tad stressed and confirmed that the cups were rusted to the frame and had been really hard to get out! He was in the process of sawing into the last cup to try and get it out which he did in about 5 minutes 🙂

I then paid and left a tip for the guy to get a beer as he had earnt one and then walked home. By the time I had reached home I was on 11557 steps and had walked for 1 hour 49 minutes and walked 5.88 miles.

I am now eating and then shooting up to the track to help a bit on the works party ready for the Regional race in 3rd October.

I wasn’t much use at the track as I hurt my back after about 30 minutes of clearing weeds with the hoe! so went home and got ready to go out as my brother was having a barbeque for his birthday.


By the end of the day I had done an impressive 16902 steps and walked 12.29km (7.58 miles)!


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