10000 Steps done again early!


10000 Steps done again early!


I woke up as usual at 5:30 and luckily looked at my phone as my Son had realized that he had forgotten his PE kit at my house 😬 This meant that I left about 15-20 minutes late as I had to find the PE kit and a bag to put it in etc.

I left just before 6am and got to their house about 6:40. It took me ages to get anyone to wake up so the second half of my walk was a bit of a struggle as I had stiffened up a bit although Strava says that I did my fastest miles after stopping!

I walked slightly further this morning as I had to pop into the office and look at a server which had powered off but I took the same route as yesterday apart from that.

This mornings walk was 5.53 miles and 1 hour 27 minutes roughly and my fitbit is showing 10928 steps so I definitely did 10000 steps yesterday too.

I also got 3 personal records along the river so I guess I wasn’t as stiff as I thought after stopping to drop off my son’s PE kit!

I was amazed to see the difference in traffic and people walking and riding along the footpaths by being 15 minutes or so later! I am definitely going to try and leave earlier if possible going forwards to make sure that I miss all of the people if possible as it makes the walk much more relaxing!

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