10000 Steps: Day 9 – Feeling sick

30 day challenge

10000 Steps: Day 9 – Feeling sick

We got our steps in today during the day running errands. I had to go to the bank then we popped into my ex wife’s new flat for a look and then went the the Morrison’s supermarket near her flat, which is the other side of town to my flat so we don’t got there very often.

Walking back from the supermarket I started feeling really sick again as the man flu seems to have come back with a vengeance! It got so bad that I had to order an Uber to take us home from town even though it was only a 15 minute walk home from there!!

All in all we walked for 2 hours and covered 7.38 miles with about 3 miles of that we were carrying shopping as well!  It was also the longest walk that I have done on Strava so not too bad.

10000 Steps

When we got home I put the shopping away and took some paracetamol and vegged out in front of the TV for until about 9pm and then went to sleep as I was feeling really bad!

I got an email to say that my new barefoot shoes would arrive tomorrow which is great news.

Total steps for the day was 19133 Steps so almost another 20000 step day which is pretty good, especially after all the effort that I had put in on the BMX in the morning!

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