10000 Steps Day 4 – Challenge going OK


So my 10000 Steps a day in December challenge is still on track although I didn’t manage to get 10000 steps in on Friday as I was on call when I was doing my walk and there was an issue so I had to go home and work on it until late. I did manage to get 8867 steps in so I had done over 20000 steps for the first 2 days of the challenge so I have done over the 10000 Steps technically so I will take it.

Yesterday I dragged my son out for a walk at 19:30 to make sure that I got the 10000 steps in earlier so that I didn’t have to be going out again later to make sure that I got the steps in.  We also did a bit of shopping on the way back home as well so it made the walk worthwhile. Here are my steps total for the first 3 days of the challenge:

01/12/2022 12424
02/12/2022 8867
03/12/2022 10401
Total 31692

Other than Friday night I have been able to easily get the steps in so hopefully I can get in the habit of walking early in the morning then I can avoid all the late night emergency walks as it messes with my sleep patterns as fair bit.

The D rings that I ordered for my bungee cords arrived yesterday so I am going to get one attached to the kitchen door frame so that I can start doing my rehab exercises on Monday, Wednesday and Fridays for the next 6 weeks.

I have been thinking about my rehab/ getting in shape and I think that I really need to start going to the gym to start to fix the weakness in my legs from all of the crashes/ injuries that I have accumulated over the past 20-30 years and never really rehabbed. I am planning to just add Tuesday and Thursday mornings as leg days to get into the habbit of working out again and then once I get my shoulder rehabbed I will add upper body as well. I may also do a couple of recumbent bike sessions on Wednesday and Friday Mornings to kick start the fat burning as well then I can use weekends as rest days and just focus on walking at the weekends.

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