10000 Steps: Day 24 – Knees still bad!
I woke up when I woke up as I got to sleep about 1 am a a friend came round and dropped off a bike for me to fix and we sat chatting and catching up which was cool. I woke up at about 7am anyway but my knee was really hurting so I have shut down BMX for today and I am icing my knee as I speak to try and get the knee better so that I can ride tomorrow. I am going to have to go and get some ibuprofen later to start taking that to try and help get the knee working again!
I am currently deciding if I should walk still today or not but at the moment I am thinking that I have 7 days left to finish the 30 day challenge so I am going to at least try and get the 10000 steps in today even if I wait until later got get them done!
I have just bought myself a back stretcher and hamstring and calf stretcher to try and start working on my flexibility as I am pretty certain that working on my flexibility will really help with all of my aches and pains and help control my knee and back pain and issues as well. I am not sure why I haven’t been working on my flexibility more as I know that it not only helps with injury preventions and recovery but it also increases range of motion which improves performance!
I am now trying to find a routine that I can do every day and also some exercises to work specifically on my hamstrings, calfs and ankles as they are my weakest areas. I want to especially work on my right ankle flexibility to see if I can get enough range of movement to try and swap back to riding right foot forwards again without having my ankle swell up all the time!
At 20:00 I decided that it was not a good idea to walk today as my back and neck are really hurting too so I have decided that its better to heal up a bit than push through and risk further injury! I am going to try and walk tomorrow morning and see how it goes but I am probably not going to be able to ride the BMX so I will just have to run the gate instead! Bit gutted that I am just 7 days short of making my goal but its better to heal up than to make a stupid self set challenge! I will just have try again next month!
Pingback: 10000 Steps: Day 26 - Back to walking! - NikBmx.Life