10000 Steps: Day 23 – Hurt Knee
Woke up early and got my son off to school and caught up with my blogs as I hadn’t updated them for a while as I had been busy at work as I was on shifts. Once I caught up I showered and walked to my ex wife’s house to help her build up my son’s new bed and her wardrobe as they had just had carpets fitted in their new flat on Thursday. I spent about 4 hours doing this and then walked home to make sure that I was home before my son got home from school.
When I was walking home my left knee started to hurt a bit which caused me to limp a bit, this in turn d=started my right ankle to hurt from the extra stress from limping because of the knee! By the time I got home both were really sore and my ankle was swollen! The ankle is pretty normal as I snapped the ligaments in it years ago but I was worried about the knee as it had gone from sore to painful which is not normal! By the time I got home 1 was on 12859 steps for the day so I got the knee elevated and iced it for the rest of the day! Throughout the afternoon/evening I kept putting Voltorol rub on the knee and was more worried as the knee was painful to the touch which is very not normal!
By the end of the day the knee was still painful , both when moving and to the touch which makes me think that it is a different injury to the usual issues that I have with it! It is strange as I can not really think of when I hurt it which is unusual! By the time I got to bed I was on 13628 steps too as I did some cleaning and tidying as the flat was a tip from doing minimal cleaning as I was on shift.
I am going to see how the knee is in the morning before deciding if I am going to do gates at Bristol tomorrow and in fact if I am going to stop walking for a bit or not!