10000 Steps – Day 19 – Walked Double!!

1000 Steps

10000 Steps – Day 19 – Walked Double!!

I woke up at 5:25 this morning 5 minutes before my alarm was supposed to go off! I got ready and was out walking by 5:45.

I got 15 minutes into my walk before I realized that I had forgotten to put my fitbit on as it was charging under my desk overnight as the battery was at 5% when  I went to bed last night! As I was already part way round my loop I decided to so a slightly shorter route as I would have to replicate the route in the evening! I got home for 6:35 which was the perfect time to wake my son up and get him ready for school!

When I finished work at 19:30 we went out again and did the same route this time with a fitbit. My fitbit was on 2200 steps as I left the house and when I got home it was on 8646 steps so the loop was 6446 steps so, with the 2 walks I walked 13292 steps plus the 2200 steps I did at home while working I am currently on 15492 steps!

As you can see from the 2 Strava activity summary’s Even though I walked the same route I walked slightly further this evening and it took longer as well. This is mostly due to having to avoid people tonight and also wait for people to clear the pavement to walk!

To be honest I am pretty pleased with my efforts today. I am thinking that I will hold off on sprints for another week or so to let my body recover from gates as I have another weekend of gates and then training at Bath on the Sunday. I also want to hit up Bath track on Friday and get some training in so I think that that will be enough on the bike training.

I also decided against riding the bike at lunch time as  I had a lot of cleaning and tidying up to do so I did that instead.

By the end of the day my fitbit was showing 9171 steps so I actually completed so I actually completed 15617 steps (9171 + 6446) which is pretty good.


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