10000 Steps: Day 15 – Funny Tummy

30 day challenge

10000 Steps: Day 15 – Funny Tummy

I switched up my day today and went to the track after waking up and getting ready. I purposely left my fitbit at home to not count the riding as steps so that I know that I have actually walked 10000 steps and not done a mixture of riding and walking to make the 10000 steps goal.

I didn’t get a lot of riding done as the track was really busy and had a lot of young Kids on it so I didn’t think it was safe to be riding flat out on the track. My son got a lot of laps in though so it wasn’t a totally wasted journey.

I plan to get to the track early tomorrow to test out my new shoes and also mess around with the handlebar height of my race bike as I raised them up this afternoon.

10000 Steps

By the time I had sorted out all my chores and ate and let the food go down it was gone 21:30 so I went out with my son anyway. We had a really nice walk until we were just before half way and my stomach started feeling bad so I had to cut the walk short and head home!!

By the time we got home I had almost had an accident 3-4 times and I was the closest that I have ever been to messing myself without actually doing it! Not the best end to the walk! although I felt much lighter and thinner afterwards!

Cutting the walk short meant that I still had 1200 steps to complete to make 10000 step goal but I got the steps done as I had to sort out the bins and put them out in the street for collection in the morning. I also had to sort out my axolotls which involves a fair bit of walking to and from the bathroom to walking too empty tubs and then carry water to fill the tubs as well as walk to the various aquariums to feed them. Before I had finished feeding the axolotls I had reached 10000 steps so I am now off to bed.

The plan for tomorrow is to wake up when I wake up and shower and go straight to the track to get some quality laps and testing in before the track gets too full and it gets dangerous to ride fast on the track again! I will then go home, clean the bike and shower and then my son wants to go to town to get a couple of games for the Nintendo Switch that he bought today that we will pick up Saturday afternoon. We will most likely take the scenic route to town and back so that we get our 10000 steps in early and can then relax for the rest of the day. This may change as I have some deliveries coming tomorrow so it will depend on them.

After lunch I have to go to my brothers house to swap cars with my parents so that I can use their car to go to gates in Bristol on Saturday and also go back to the track and put up some signs to make people aware that the track will be closed on Sunday for a couple of hours for a club event. This will involve a fair bit of walking so I can up my average again as todays debacle has ruined by average for sure!

Barefoot shoe update is that I still love them and I am totally pain free still. I also purchased a few pairs of Injini running socks which are supposed to improve the barefoot shoe experience even more! They better be good as they are £13.49 a pair!!!


The new socks will arrive Monday so I will be able to test them around the house when they arrive and I will be able to go for a walk Monday night after work to test them out and see how they feel.

I bought 3 pairs for now which will be enough for me to wear and wash for now and then if I like them I will buy 3 more pairs and then keep doing this until all my socks have been replaced. As I have been clearing down my wardrobe it will only take me another 2 months to have fully replaced my current socks with the Injini ones and will help out as I have lots of issues with my socks cutting the circulation to my feet and making my feet uncomfortable so I am hoping that these socks will eliminate this and over time resolve the issues that I have with my left foot. I am a little worried about the reviews on the quality of the socks but I want to test this out for myself as the socks get rave reviews for comfort especially with barefoot shoes. I think that 1 month will be enough time to make a decision on if they are worth the money and if they are as good as people are saying in the reviews. To be honest if they are half as successful as the barefoot shoes I will be stoked!

1 thought on “10000 Steps: Day 15 – Funny Tummy”

  1. Pingback: 10000 Steps: Day 21 - Weigh in - NikBmx.Life

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